Monday, July 17, 2017

Monday Thoughts

I was sending a quick email to my bestie today, and I was struck by this quote I've had in my email forever, which is "We are shaped and fashioned by what we love."

I love that quote, and have for a very long time.  It's something I believe too.  For me, outside of my faith, the thing (note thing, not person) I love the most that has shaped me is theatre.  I fell head over heels for it when I was 5, and I've never looked back.  Even when I've (sort of) tried to run from it, I find myself pulled back in.  I'm very fortunate to be in the big middle of it on a daily basis.

However, that's not what struck me so much today as I looked at that quote before I hit send on my email.  Today, I was thinking about how we are also shaped by what we let in to our lives, into our souls, into our minds on a daily basis.  Whether or not you tend to "catch" moods (I can't ever decide if I do that or if it varies) from those around you or if you just find your perception of the world around you altered greatly by something someone says or does, most of us probably skip through several moods in a day - even if one is predominantly present.

One of the most difficult lessons my mother taught me is that no matter what's going on around you, your attitude and the way you choose to perceive the world is just that - a choice.  That doesn't mean I abide by the idea that it's a choice on a daily basis, but ultimately, I know she's right.  Generally speaking, on the brightest or the darkest days we can choose to focus on the little joys or the (occasionally) pervasive darkness.

Just a thought.


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